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Items for Subject "Waterproofing"

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Showing 5 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Sep-2012 Concrete Admixtures Waterproofing Compounds Jain, P K
18-Sep-2012 Polyurethane Waterproofing Coating for Building Applications Saxena, P K; Raut, K G; Srinivasan, S R; Sivaram, S; Rawat, R S; Jain, R K
14-Jan-2013 Waterproofing Treatment for Masonry and Lime Concrete Surfaces Khalid, M; Aslam, M
15-Jan-2013 Bituminous Waterproofing Treatment for Porous Lime Terracing Aslam, M; Satiya, R C
23-Jan-2013 Development of Alternative Heat Insulating and Waterproofing Material for Roofs in Tropics Gangopadhyay, P K; Jain, S P; Kumar, Vinod; Asthana, K K; Rawat, R S; Jain, R K


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