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Items for Subject "Polymer"

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Showing 13 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Oct-2011 Testing and Evaluation of Repair Materials Karade, S R; Agrawal, S P
21-Oct-2011 Properties of Polymer-Modified Mortars using Epoxy and Acrylic Emulsions Aggarwal, L K; Thapliyal, P C; Karade, S R
2-Nov-2011 A Novel Interpenetrating Polymer Network Coating for the Protection of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Asthana, K K; Aggarwal, L K; Lakhani, Rajni
14-Feb-2012 New Techniques for The Study of Fire Behaviour of Flame Retardant Smoke Suppressant Ploymeric Materials Sharma, Sunil K; Saxena, N K; Sharma, T P
14-Feb-2012 Polymers in Building Fire Hazards and Their Mitigation Sharma, Sunil K; Saxena, N K; Sharma, T P
14-Feb-2012 Polymers in Building Fire Hazards and Their Mitigation Sharma, Sunil K; Saxena, N K; Sharma, T P
14-Feb-2012 Smoke Suppession in Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Sharma, Sunil K; Srivastava, S K
11-Apr-2012 CSIR - CBRI ANNUAL REPORT 2006-2008 CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee
11-Apr-2012 CSIR - CBRI ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee
18-Sep-2012 Polyurethane Waterproofing Coating for Building Applications Saxena, P K; Raut, K G; Srinivasan, S R; Sivaram, S; Rawat, R S; Jain, R K
14-Jan-2013 Polymer Concrete a review Jain, R K
23-Apr-2013 Building Digest-134 : Plastics and their applications in buildings CSIR-CBRI; Jain, R K


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