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Items for Subject "GIS"

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Showing 3 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Mar-2012 GIS based spatial data analysis for landslide susceptibility mapping. Sarkar, S; Kanungo, D P; Patra, A K; Kumar, P
5-Mar-2012 A comparative study of conventional, ANN black box, fuzzy and combined neural and fuzzy weighting procedures for landslide susceptibility zonation in Darjeeling Himalayas. Kanungo, D P; Arora, M K; Sarkar, S; Gupta, R P
5-Mar-2012 GIS Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping– A Case Study in Indian Himalaya. Sarkar, S; Kanungo, D P; Patra, A K; Kumar, P


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