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Items for Subject "1990"

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Showing 6 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Nov-2011 Haematophagous nature of an amblyceran phthirapteran Menacanthus cornutus, Schommer, infesting poultry bird Gallus domesticus L. in India Trivedi, M C; Sharma, Sangeeta; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Incidence of phthirapteran infestaton upon the dogs of Dehradun Goel, N K; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Machlyon men prakash utpadan.(In Hindi) Rawat, B S
20-Dec-2011 Fire Protection of Wood Based Products by Coating Saxena, N K; Sharma, Sunil K; Gupta, D R
14-Feb-2012 Development and Evaluation of Fire Retardant Coatings Saxena, N K; Gupta, D R
1-May-2012 Hydrothermal Reaction between Lime and Aggregate Fines Midgley, H G; Chopra, S K


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