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Items for Subject "1981"

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Showing 26 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jan-2013 Better Utilization of Wind through its Escalation over Dam Varshneya, N C; Chand, Ishwar
15-Jan-2013 Comparative Studies on Cylindrical and Conical Lime Shaft Kilns Verma, C L; Dave, N G
15-Jan-2013 Fire Extinguishing Agents Sharma, T P; Bhusan Lal, Brij; Singh, Jagbir
15-Jan-2013 Dry Chemical Extinguishing Powders – A Review Sharma, T P; Lal, B B; Singh, Jagbir
16-Jan-2013 Recent Trends in the Manufacture and Use of Extruded Clay Sewer Pipes Srivastava, L K; Wadhwa, S S
16-Jan-2013 Use of Basalt Fines in Making Building Bricks Rai, Mohan; Chandra, Dinesh
16-Jan-2013 High Draught Kiln –Its Operation, Control and Economics Majumdar, N C; Hiralal, E S
16-Jan-2013 Properties of Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement Produced Using Phosphogypsum Singh, Manjit; Rehai, S S; Teneja, C A
16-Jan-2013 Research as an Aid to Economy and Efficiency in Buildings Mohan, Dinesh
16-Jan-2013 Rational Approach for Computation of Building Cost Indices Mohan, Dinesh; Sofat, G C
16-Jan-2013 A Mechanical Press for the Production of Semi Dry Clay Bricks Kaushish, J P; Bhatnaqar, D S
16-Jan-2013 Automatic Water Actuated Switch for Cooling Buildings by Roof Surface Evaporation Kumar, Vinod; Jain, S P
16-Jan-2013 Rice Husk Ash Based Lime Cement Masood, Irshad; Mahritra, S P
16-Jan-2013 Field Manufacture of Clay Fly Ash Bricks from Alluvial Soils Hajela, R B; Gupta, R G; Chandra, Dinesh
16-Jan-2013 Use of Rice Husk as Fuel for Burning Bricks Prakash, Satya; Goel, R K
16-Jan-2013 Evaluating Fire Sprinklers Gupta, A K; Krishan, Gopal; Gupta, S B
16-Jan-2013 Ghareloo pradushan rokne heto sasti chemni (Hindi) Chand, Ishwar; Gupta, T N; Lal, N
16-Jan-2013 Preventive Measures for Cracks in Buildings Chand, Suresh
16-Jan-2013 Failure Criterion of Vertical Shear Key Joints in Prefabricated Wall Panels Chakrabarti, S C; Bhise, N N; Sharma, K N
16-Jan-2013 Performance Study of Horizontal Branch in Building Drainage System Chakrabarti, S P; Verma, N K; K Sharma, Sudesh; K Sharma, Suresh
16-Jan-2013 Improved Construction Techniques and Materials Some Developments Chakrabarti, S C
16-Jan-2013 A Survey of Ventilation System in Domestic Kitchens Chand, Ishwar; Bhargava, P K
16-Jan-2013 Solar Water Heaters for Low Temperature Applications handra, M C; Ganguly, R; Puri, J S
16-Jan-2013 Applications of a low Cost Pipe Type Solar Water Heater Chandra, M; Ganguli, R; Puri, J S
16-Jan-2013 Fire Research Laboratory Facilities and Activities Badami, G N
23-Jan-2013 Comparative Studies on Cylindrical and Conical Lime Shaft Kilns Verma, C L; Dave, N G


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