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Items for Subject "1979"

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Showing 26 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jan-2013 Protractors for Daylight Control in Town Planning Saxena, B K; Bansal, G D
7-Jan-2013 Suitability of Wood wool Boards as Core Material for Wooden Flush Door Shutters Singh, S M
7-Jan-2013 Physico-Chemical Properties of Agricultural Residues and Strengths of Portland Cement-bound Wood Products Singh, S M
7-Jan-2013 Properties of Catalytically Polymerized Wood-Plastic Composites Singh, B
7-Jan-2013 Applicator for Bituminous Sealants Siddique, S A; Singh, Amrik; Manglik, R K
7-Jan-2013 Cracks in Building and their remedial Measures Chand, Suresh
7-Jan-2013 Prevention of Leakage through Building Drainage System Sharma, S K; Chakrabarti, S P
8-Jan-2013 Precast Stone Masonry Block using Lateritic Aggregate Rai, Mohan; Chandra, Dinesh; Jain, V K
8-Jan-2013 Steel Fiber Reinforced Cement Flat Sheets Rehsi, S S; Khalid, M; Garg, S K
8-Jan-2013 Optimization of Rock Size in Beds Used for Cooling of Buildings Chandra, Prakash
8-Jan-2013 A Method for Measurement of Diffuse Reflectance Maitreya, V K
8-Jan-2013 Pile Testing using Raked under Reamed Piles Mohan, Dinesh; Jain, G S; Gupta, S P
8-Jan-2013 An Electrical Analogue in Lighting Technology Maitreya, V K
8-Jan-2013 Comparative Behavior of Tapered and Uniform Diameter Piles in Loose Sands Jain, M P; Rastogi, P C; Bhandari, R K
8-Jan-2013 Modular Bricks – Semi Mechanized Manufacturing Process Hiralal, E S; Majumdar, N C
8-Jan-2013 Bored Piles Groups under Vertical Load in Sand Garg, K G
8-Jan-2013 Design of Pile Groups under Vertical Load in Sand Garg, K G
14-Jan-2013 Planning an Information System for Building Technology in India Gupta, R C; Jayaraman, N
14-Jan-2013 Lime Stabilized Soil as a Building Material-Preliminary Investigations Dass, Arjun; Malhotra, S K
14-Jan-2013 Design of Apertures for Wind Induced General Ventilation in Industrial Buildings Chand, Ishwar; Sharma, V K
14-Jan-2013 Scattering of Sunlight in the Terrestrial Atmosphere Chandra, M
14-Jan-2013 Ventilation Investigation in Factory Buildings Chand, Ishwar; Bhargava, R K; Krishak, N I V
14-Jan-2013 Characteristics of Deformable Vertical Joints in Prefabricated Shear Wall Assembly Chakrabarti, S C; Bhise, N N; Sharma, K N
14-Jan-2013 Direct Beam Solar Irradiance and IL luminance Chandra, M
14-Jan-2013 Roofing Singles Practices and Innovation Aslam, M; Chawla, J S
14-Jan-2013 Improved Asphaltic Roofing Sheet Aslam, N; Satiya, R C


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