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Items for Subject "1963"

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Showing 18 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-May-2012 The use of Indian Amphibole Asbestos in Asbestos-Cement Products Chatterji, A K; Dhariyal, K D; Rawat, R S
31-May-2012 Absorption of Cement by Asbestos Fibres Chatterji, A K; Rawat, R S
31-May-2012 Reaction of Lime with Ferric Oxide Chatterji, A K; Phatak, C T
28-Sep-2012 Semiconductivity and Cementing Action in Hydraulic – Bond Types Cements Chatterji, A K; Phatak, T C
28-Sep-2012 The Mineralogy of the Indian Blast Furnace Slag Chopra, S K; Taneja, C A; Mehrotra, G S
28-Sep-2012 Factors Influencing Strengths of Strustural Clay Products from Montmorillonitic Clays Ramachandran, V S; Ahmad, F U; Jain, L C
28-Sep-2012 A Note on Water Absorption by Dehydrated Castor Oil Modified Alkyd Resins Singh, S M
28-Sep-2012 Sintering Fly Ash for Making a Lightweight Aggregate Chopra, S K; Sharma, C S; Lal, Kishan
28-Sep-2012 Bloated Clay Aggregate from Silt Deposited at Calcutta Waterworks Chopra, S K; Lal, Kishan; Narain, S N
28-Sep-2012 Particle Board from Coconut Husk George, Joseph; Shirsalkar, M M
28-Sep-2012 Adhesion of Cement Paint to Old Surfaces George, Joseph; Singh, S M
28-Sep-2012 The Effect of Calcareous Constituents of Alluvial Soil on the Physical Properties of Fired Bricks Jain, L C; Jain, P C
28-Sep-2012 Determination of Liquid Limit of Soils by Dye Adsorption Ramachandran, V S; Kacker, K P; Rao, H A B
28-Sep-2012 Factors Influencing Strengths of Structural Clay Products from Montmorillonitic Clays Ramachandran, V S; Ahmad, F U; Jain, L C
28-Sep-2012 Evaluation of Indian Fly Ashes Rehsi, S S; Garg, S K
28-Sep-2012 Heat Insulating and Sound Absorbing Slabs from Mineral Wool Shirsalkar, M M; Kapse, G W
28-Sep-2012 Cement Economy in Buildings -
28-Sep-2012 Cheaper Cement from Furnace Slag and Fly Ash -


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