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Items for Author "Rawat, B S"

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Showing 84 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2011 Studies on Chlorfluazuron 0.1% based baiting system for termite management in buildings in India Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Bhavno main deemak niyantran hetu padap nishkarshoon ki upyogita Rawat, B S; Kaur, M
1-Nov-2011 Baiting system: Aadhunik bhavno main deemak niyantran hetu ek sarvottam upaya Rawat, B S; Kaur, M
1-Nov-2011 Searching optimum lethal dose of Cyrux (Cypermethrin 25 E.C.) for termite management in buildings Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Termite control in buildings Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Precautions during anti-termite measures in buildings Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Bhavno mein deemak niyantran hetu aavashyak upaya Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Termite control in buildings: Indian Scenario Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Bio-availability and bio-efficacy of termiticide Bifenthrin in Roorkee Soil -a Case study Sharma, K K; Rawat, B S; Singh, Bijendra
1-Nov-2011 Synthesis and termiticidal activity of pyrozolo, pyrimidine derivatives: N'-nicotinoyl-4'- (Sulpha/substituted phenylazo)-1,2-diazole 4, -dimethyl pyrimidine-5-one Singh, Y; Nayal, S S; Rawat, B S; Pal, Mahesh
1-Nov-2011 Physical Barriers: Non-toxic and eco-friendly alternatives to hazardous termiticides for building Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Synthesis and termiticidal activity of bicyclic Hetrocyclic compound Singh, Y; Nayal, S S; Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Termite control with medicinal plant products Singh, Y; Rawat, B S; Verma, R K; Nayal, S S
1-Nov-2011 Synthesis and termiticidal activity of N- isonicotinoyl - 5, 5' - dimthyl cyclohexane -4- (sulpha / substituted phenylazo) -1, 2-diazole Singh, Y; Nayal, S S; Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Studies on inert barrier to prevent entry of subterranean termites in buildings, Singh, Y; Rawat, B S
1-Nov-2011 Termites and its management Rawat, B S; Malik, Vineet
2-Nov-2011 Various building infesting pests, bio-ecology and control Rawat, B S; Malik, Vineet; Verma, M L
2-Nov-2011 Pesticide : An introductory approach Rawat, B S; Malik, Vineet; Verma, M L
2-Nov-2011 Studies on agrochemicals as blatticides against American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.) (Orthoptera : Blattidae) Singh, Y; Rawat, B S; Kumar, Sandeep; Singh, Devender
2-Nov-2011 Pyrazoles for use as pesticides Singh, Y; Nayal, S S; Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Advances in wood preservatives based on plant sources Singh, Y; Rawat, B S; Verma, R K
2-Nov-2011 A note on the populaion compositin of goat bniting louse. Linognathus africanus (Inseca: Phthiraptera; Anoplura) Adesh, Kumar; Goel, N K; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Effectievness of agrochemicals as wood preservatives Singh, Y; Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Biometrical studies on goat biting louse Bovicola caprae, Gurlt (Phthiraptera: Ishnocera) Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Population structure of goat biting louse Bovicola caprae (Phthirapatera: Ischnocera) Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K; Agarwal, G P
2-Nov-2011 Prevalence of ectoparaites on goats in Dehradun (India) Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K; Agarwal, G P
2-Nov-2011 Distribution of two phthirapateran species (Insecta) on the goats Capra aegagrus, Forma hircus of India Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Seasonal dynamics of goat biting louse Bovicola caprae (Phthiraptra: Ishnocera; Trichodectidae) Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Egg morphology of three amblyceran poultry lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) Saxena, A K; Trivedi, M C; Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Oviposition in goat biting louse Bovicola caprae, Gurlt (Phthiraptra: Ishnocera) Rawat, B S; Adesh, Kumar; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 In-Vitro biology of goat biting louse Bovicola caprae, Gurlt (Phthiraptra: Ishnocera) Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Incidence of Mallophaga on poultry in Dehradun, (India) Trivedi, M C; Saxena, A K; Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Prevalence of Phthiraptera upon cattles of Dehradun Rawat, B S; Adesh, Kumar; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Hatching behaviour of an Amblyceran and an Ischnocran louse (Inscta: Phthiraptera) Trivedi, M C; Adesh, Kumar; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Studies on the population of cattle biting louse Bovicola bovis (L) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Inidence of phthirapteran infestation upon the buffaloes of Dehradun (India) Rawat, B S; Trivedi, M C; Saxena, A K; Adesh, Kumar
2-Nov-2011 Prevalence of Haematopinus suis, Linne (Phthiraptera: Haematopinidae) on swine belonging to an Indian locality Rawat, B S; Adesh, Kumar; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Distribution of lice (Phthiraptera) on poultry (Gallus domesticus) Trivedi, M C; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Bionomics of poultry louse Lipeurus lawrences tropicallis, Peters (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) Saxena, A K; Trivedi, M C; Rawat, B S; Adesh, Kumar
2-Nov-2011 Haematophagous nature of an amblyceran phthirapteran Menacanthus cornutus, Schommer, infesting poultry bird Gallus domesticus L. in India Trivedi, M C; Sharma, Sangeeta; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 A note on the natural population levels of short-nosed cattle louse Linognathus vituli (Linne) Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Incidence of phthirapteran infestaton upon the dogs of Dehradun Goel, N K; Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
2-Nov-2011 Uttarakhand main vikraal hoti deemak ki samasya.(In Hindi) Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Baiting system:Adhunik bhavno main deemak niyantran hetu ek sarvottam upaya (In Hindi) Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Dushman Keet Deemak. (In Hindi) Singh, Y; Rawat, B S
2-Nov-2011 Machlyon men prakash utpadan.(In Hindi) Rawat, B S
4-Nov-2011 Pest Management in Buildings For Pest Management Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2012 Deemak kee banbiyan bhi btatin haen bhugarbh mae chipae khajanae Rawat, B S
10-Sep-2012 Scope of Green Termiticide in Buildings Rawat, B S
20-Sep-2013 Antitermitic properties of selected plants extractives against building infesting termite snyder Kaur, M; Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Anti-termite treatment in buildings: A job of professionals Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Baiting system aadhunik bhavnon main. (Hindi) Rawat, B S; Kaur, Manpreet
6-Jan-2014 Baiting system, termite control in modern buildings. (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Bhavnoo men deemak niyantran hetu Ethion. (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Bhavnoon men deemkon kaa upchaar. (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Biometrical Studies On Goat Biting Louse Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
6-Jan-2014 Building Pests and Mycology Laboratory at CBRI Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Current scenario of termite management in building in India Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Deemak ki baambiyaan bhee bataatee hain (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Deemkon ne banaayaa Didgeridoo music (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Dengue kaa machhar ek khatarnaak ghareelu Pest. (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Development of Physical Barrier for Termite Management in Building Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Discovery and development of New bio-actives and Traditional Preparations Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Dushman keet Deemak. (Hindi) Rawat, B S; Singh, Y
6-Jan-2014 17. Effectiveness of Fipronil 2.5 E.C for Termite Management in Building Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Evaluation of Chlorfluazuron termite bait for Termite Management in Buildings Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Evaluation of plant extractives for termite and other Pest Management in Buildings Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Gharelu pashuon par parjeevee (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 In-Vitro culturing of Wood Destroying Termites Microcerotermes Species Rawat, B S; Singh, Y; Sharma, V P
6-Jan-2014 Jeela Dehradun men arthik. (Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Machhliyon men prakash utpadan(Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Monitoring and Termite Resistant Test of Item Secure Technology for Termite Management in Buildings. Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 National Conference on Eco Friendly Approaches in the Management of Pests, Diseases and Industrial Effluents 20-22 Dec. 1993. Singh, Y; Rawat, B S; Sharma, V P
6-Jan-2014 Pest control vyavsaayee hoten hain(Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Population Dynamics of Linognathus Vituli Linne. On the Cattles of Dehradun Region. Rawat, B S; Saxena, A K
6-Jan-2014 Recent Trends of Research in Termite Control Rawat, B S; Singh, Y
6-Jan-2014 Search of Suitable Physical Barrier for termite Management in Buildings Rawat, B S; kumar, D
6-Jan-2014 Studies on Microbial Formulation (Metarizium Spps) for Termite Management in Buildings(SSP-188). Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Synthesis and Termiticidal Activity of Pyrazolo Pyrimidine Derivatives. Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Termite Control with Medicinal Plant Products Rawat, B S; Singh, Y; Verma, R K
6-Jan-2014 Uttarakhand main vikraal hoti Deemak(Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Uttree bharat main badhtee Deemkon kee samashya(Hindi) Rawat, B S
6-Jan-2014 Wood seasoning Revised note. Rawat, B S
6-Aug-2014 Bhawano mai Dimak niyantran hetu avashyak upaya CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee; Rawat, B S


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