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Items for Author "Mehrotra, S P"

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Showing 8 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Sep-2012 Pozzolanic Behaviour of Bagasse ash Mehrotra, S P; Masood, Irshad
28-Sep-2012 Effectiveness of Different Mineralizes in Cement Manufacture Masood, Irshad; Mehrotra, S P; Tehri, S P
1-Jan-2013 Utilization of Lime Kiln Rejects Dave, N G; Mehrotra, S P
23-Jan-2013 Investigation of Kankar Burning Processes Dave, N G; Verma, C L; Mehrotra, S P; Verma, M L
23-Jan-2013 Chemical Admixtures for Lime Terracing Concrete Dass, Arjun; Mehrotra, S P
23-Jan-2013 Utilization of Calcareous and other Wastes in the Manufacture of Cement Mehrotra, S P; Tehri, S P; Masood, Irshad
23-Jan-2013 Economization of Energy in Cement Manufacture Masood, Irshad; Mehrotra, S P; Tehri, S P
23-Jan-2013 Studies on Non Conventional Pozzolana Bagasse Ash Masood, Irshad; Mehrotra, S P


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