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Items for Author "Bansal, G D"

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Showing 6 items.

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Sep-2012 A Simplified Method for the Determination of Shape Factor Maitreya, V K; Bansal, G D
7-Jan-2013 Protractors for Daylight Control in Town Planning Saxena, B K; Bansal, G D
22-Jan-2013 Daylight and Ventilation of Rural Houses Saxena, B K; Chand, Ishwar; Bansal, G D; Sharma, V K; Kumar, Shree
22-Jan-2013 Economy and Energy Saving in Lighting of Buildings (Part-II) Residential Buildings Saxena, B K; Bansal, G D; Kumar, Shree
23-Apr-2013 Building Digest-139 : Artificial lighting design of residential Buildings CSIR-CBRI; Saxena, B K; Bansal, G D; Kumar, Shree; Pal, R S
23-Apr-2013 Building Digest-142 : Northlight sawtooth roofs in the tropics CSIR-CBRI; Bansal, G D; Saxena, B K


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